Early experiences provide a foundation for later development and Little Learners Educational Center is dedicated to providing an interactive environment in which toddlers can explore their world in their own unique way. Toddlers want to touch, taste, smell, listen to and look at everything. Toddlers also need spaces to explore alone as well as with others and Little Learners provide small spaces for them to rest and recharge their batteries. During the year your toddler will explore a variety of topics, which include: All About Me, Fall, My Family, Winter, Pets, Insects, or Flowers. Different topics will be explored each month. Teachers will use music, finger-plays, art, books, and physical activities related to these topics to promote language, physical, emotional, and cognitive development. The teachers interact with the children in a manner that communicates that each child is uniquely special. They will learn during this year that they are not helpless but that they are competent people and are respected for their abilities.
Little Learners firmly believes that toddlers grow and develop best in a loving homelike environment. A toddlers daily activities might include: being read to or looking at books, exploring the water table, joining classmates in simple finger plays and songs, as well as large muscle activities in the classroom and outdoors.
Toddlers often have less of an appetite then during infancy. Toddlers might refuse foods they have previously enjoyed or insist on the same foods at every meal. Little Learners encourage toddlers to try new foods, but the focus is to maintain a peaceful and relaxed meal. Parents will receive information about how well toddlers eat on daily sheets.
Toddlers require 2 or more hours of sleep during the day and without it, they may be irritable and unable to join in afternoon activities. Toddlers who have a good nap in the afternoon will sleep better at night as well. Toddlers nap on toddler cots after lunch. Teachers will lower the lights and play quiet, relaxing music as they prepare for naptime. Parents will receive information about how well toddlers slept on daily sheets.
Children participate in group time twice a day. The focus during these times is on language development. Songs, books, flannel board stories and puppets are used.
Toddlers have many opportunities to use their large muscles in the classroom on riding/push toys and soft climber as well as outside on our playground.
A variety of manipulatives are available for toddlers to develop their fine motor skills.
Teachers help toddlers learn to manage their emotions, develop empathy for others and learn to express their needs and feelings in a positive way.
Dramatic play builds toddlers social, emotional, language, nurturing, imaginative and problem solving skills.
Art experiences are offered for children to be creative, express themselves, exploring different art mediums.
Time Activity
7:30am to 8:00 Children arriving – Breakfast is served
8:00am-9:00 Open Play - The children go to the activity of their choice: dramatic play area, block area, art area, table toys, and active toys.
9:00am-9:15 Snack Time - A nutritious snack is served
9:15am-10:00 Outdoor Play – Children spend time on the playground
10:00am-10:30 Story Time - Focus is on literature, language, and physical development through planned activities
10:30am-11:30 Open Play - The children go to the activity of their choice: dramatic play area, block area, art area, table toys, and active toys.
11:30am-12:00pm Lunch - A nutritious meal is served.
12:00pm-3:00 Nap time
2:30pm-3:00 Quiet play
3:00pm-3:30 Snack Time - A nutritious snack is served
3:30pm-4:00 Story Time - Children sing songs and have stories read
4:00pm-4:30 Outdoor Play - Children spend time on the playground
4:30pm to 5:30 Open Play - The children go to the activity of their choice: dramatic play area, block area, art area, table toys, and active toys.
5:30pm - 6:00 Clean-up and combine in Infant room/ 2’s room
August 2022
February 2022