Early experiences provide a foundation for later development and Little Learners Educational Center is dedicated to providing an interactive environment in which Two-Year-Olds can explore their world in their own unique way. During the year your child will explore a variety of topics, which include All About Me, Fall, My Family, opposites, nursery rhymes, Winter, Snow, Pets, Insects, or Flowers. Different topics will be explored each month. Teachers will use music, finger-plays, art, books, and physical activities related to these topics to promote language, physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. The teachers interact with the children in a manner that communicates that each child is uniquely special. They will learn during this year that they are competent people and that they are respected for their abilities.
Two-Year-Olds who have plenty of social opportunities and will move from predominantly parallel play during the first half of the year to predominantly cooperative play by the end of the year. The average Two-Year-Old begins the year with a 200-word vocabulary and ends the year with an 800-word vocabulary. The focus in the 2’s room at Little Learners is to provide the social and language opportunities that your child requires. Every opportunity will be utilized to expand your child’s social and language development: discussions at meals and at the water table, singing songs and reading books. Children will also be encouraged to interact with each other as teachers assist them in communicating with each other during play or conflict resolution
Parent-teacher communication is vital to a quality early childhood educational experience. Parents will receive a daily information sheet at the end of the day, which will provide them with information on how well their child ate, slept, and used the toilet. Parents are always welcome at Little Learners. One of the ways that Little Learners maintain communication with parents is through e-mail. Parents should feel free to e-mail teachers, the director, or the administrator. Parents will have access to pictures and classroom information on the classroom Shutterfly page. It is true that a picture is worth a thousand words when a parent views a picture of his or her child at play m
Time Activity
7:30am to 8:30 Open Play – Children go to the activity area of their choice: Dramatic play, blocks, art, table activities and active toys. Breakfast is served at 7:30am
8:30am-9:30 Outdoor Play/Large Motor - Children participate in planned activities to promote large motor development.
9:30am-10:00 Open Play The children go to the activity of their choice: dramatic play area, block area, art area.
9:15am-10:00 Outdoor Play – Children spend time on the playground.
10:00am-10:15 Snack Time - A nutritious sanck is served.
10:15am-10:30 Story Time - Children sing songs, and are read stories.
10:30am - 10:45 Curriculum Time - Children play simple academic games in small groups.
10:45am - 11:30 Open play - The children go to the activity of their choice: dramatic play area, block area, art area, painting easel, and sensory table.
11:30am-12:00pm Lunch - A nutritious meal is served.
12:00pm-3:00 Nap time
3:00pm-3:15 Snack Time - A nutritious snack is served.
3:15pm-3:30 Story Time - Children sing songs and have stories read
3:30pm-4:00 Open Play - The children go to the activity of their choice: dramatic play area, block area, art area, table toys, and active toys.
4:00pm to 4:30 Outdoor Play - Children spend time on the playground.
4:30pm - 5:30 Open Play - The children go to the activity of their choice: dramatic play area, block area, art area, table toys, and active toys.
5:30pm - 6:00 Center Group Time - songs and stories
February 2022
August 2022